Canada Day long weekend safety patrol – July 2021

The CLI conducted long weekend marine safety patrols with both the Delta and Fraser Lifeboats providing all-day-long coverage. This weekend was fairly busy with more recreational boaters out on the water. Wind warnings were issued for the Strait of Georgia on Saturday 03 Jul 2021 and the crew got to handle moderate swells between Sand Heads and the Iona Jetty off Vancouver International Airport.

On Sunday 04 Jul after checking the area around Sand Heads the Fraser Lifeboat headed back to patrol the river when they noticed a small tug making erratic movements swaying from left to right. Fraser L/B stopped to investigate and were flagged down by the tugboat coxswain who asked for a tow to Steveston harbour because his rudder was not responding to helm corrections. It was either hard starboard or hard port. Fraser L/B took them in tow, but because of the erratic behaviour, the Fraser was pulled left and right and was also fighting the river current. Because of this behaviour, there was a risk of us pulling the tug over; however, by adapting speed they managed to tow the tug to Steveston Harbour. There the tugboat coxswain decided to cut the tow line and use his skiff to pull himself to his mooring dock at which time the Fraser stood down. The tug coxswain advised the tug just had a refit and it looked like the hydraulic line filling the reservoir was undersized causing its steering issues.

Gunderson Slough safety patrol – June 2021

The CLI is part of the City of Delta’s Emergency Programme, and as such we often check the condition of pick up and drop off points. Gunderson Slough off the Fraser River near the Alex Fraser Bridge is one of those locations. It has a tricky approach due to sand bars and the useable channel is quite narrow. On 19 Jun 2021 the Fraser Lifeboat checked the condition of the Government Dock and also showed the flag. The harbour has been cleaned up with only one new derelict boat.

Victoria Day long weekend safety patrol – May 2021

The CLI conducted marine safety patrols with both the Delta and Fraser Lifeboats over the Victoria Day long weekend from 21-24 May 2021. We expected a busy start to boating season, but due to COVID-19, it was very quiet, with little recreational boat traffic. This still gave our crews the opportunity to hone our seamanship skills

Multi-Vessel Search Pattern Training 2021

On 10 Apr 2021, both Delta and Fraser Lifeboats engaged in multi-vessel search pattern training exercises off Woodward Reach in the Fraser River.
River Current: Flooding towards slack
Wind: Southeast at ~25+ kts
Sea State: Two-foot chop with breaking whitecaps
Purpose: Parallel sweep area search procedures, using two vessels according to the briefing given during online training.  This involved searching while keeping pace abeam of the guide boat, both vessels making two 90 degree turns on command in unison, then searching along the reciprocal course over ground; and repeat.
This process is continuously being refined in preparation for a larger exercise in the future.

Easter Long Weekend Safety Patrols – Apr 2021

The CLI engaged in Easter long weekend safety patrols with both the Fraser Lifeboat and Delta Lifeboat from 02-05 Apr 2021. We had expected a fairly busy weekend; however, boating traffic was fairly light. We did hear several calls on the radio but all were outside our area of operations. Fraser L/B spotted 2 large deadheads at different locations that were submerging and popping up. We marked them and called their positions into Coast Guard Radio who added their information to the Fraser River Marine Broadcasts.