Delta Lifeboat tasking for medical assistance – Aug 2019

While on their way to the Victoria Classic Boat Festival the Delta Lifeboat received a CCG tasking for medical assistance to proceed to a position SE of Porlier Pass, where a suspected heart attack had occurred on a sailboat. We altered course and headed there immediately. While in transit, a call went to a whale-watching vessel to see if there was a doctor on board. Turns out there was, so they were also tasked. The hovercraft was also dispatched. Onshore an ambulance was dispatched from the south end of Galliano, but with no idea how to get to the 60ft sailboat.

We were told to stand down when we were just 2 miles away. The doctor had attended and discovered that the gentleman had sadly passed away, so our services were no longer required. The patient was transferred to the hovercraft and taken to their base. We used the incident to provide us with real-life training.


Assist DFO – August 2019

Saturday, August 17 – 1045 hours. The Delta Lifeboat had just moored alongside the Fraser Lifeboat when a DFO officer came to us asking for a salvage pump because one of their RHIB’s in their boathouse, adjacent to the Fraser Lifeboat dock, was partly submerged. Crewmembers from both CLI vessels quickly transferred the salvage pump to the boathouse and 20 minutes later the water was pumped out of the RHIB. At this time their bilge pump started working again to pump out the last remaining water. Although both engines were partly flooded after some cleaning and sparkplug replacement both engines fired up. A cause of the flooding was not found.

CLI attends Richmond Maritime Festival – 2019

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From Friday, July 26 – Sunday, July 28 the Delta Lifeboat attended the Richmond Maritime Festival. CLI members were invited to attend a meet and greet at the renovated Net Loft at Britannia Shipyards on Friday evening. Running from 11:00 to 18:00 on Saturday and Sunday visitors were welcomed on the Delta Lifeboat. Huge crowds attended the festival and all that came aboard thoroughly enjoyed their time and had a chance to see how the CLI is part of Team SAR. Photos are from the Fraser Lifeboat prior to our morning training.

CLI responds to possible person in distress – 2019

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The Fraser Lifeboat responded to a possible person in distress call on Thursday 26 Jul 2019. As our coxswains were already aboard planning evening training, they were able to get underway in 7 mins. After arriving on scene and receiving info from a pleasure boat they spotted a person on the shore on an island opposite Garry Point Park. Info was relayed to CG Radio. The hovercraft Moytel arrived on the scene and we pointed to the person’s location. The Fraser was then released and the task was transferred to local police.

Fraser River Circumnavigation Training Exercise – 2019

 Canadian Lifeboat Institution

The CLI frequently conducts extended training exercises where we take crew outside their usual familiar surrounding and comfort zones and introduce new challenges to keep honing skills.

On Saturday 06 Jul 2019, crews planned a 9-hour circumnavigation voyage of the Fraser River taking in both the South and North Arms. Working as a team, they took into account weather, currents, tide, and locations that we would be heading to. They decided to route Steveston>Gunderson Slough>New Westminster>North Arm Fraser to Mill Town Marina – planned lunch break, then Mill Town Marina> North Jetty> head south and stay east of traffic lanes to Sandheads>Steveston. Continue reading “Fraser River Circumnavigation Training Exercise – 2019”