Vancouver Boat Show Feb 2019

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The CLI attended the Vancouver International Boat Show from 06-10 Feb 2019. The show was well attended and our crews were busy at both the indoor booth and outside with the Delta Lifeboat at the floating boat show part. This is a great opportunity for us to showcase our organisation, conduct some fundraising, and provide boating safety information to the public. This event is also used to help with our fundraising, this year generating approx $6500. We thank everyone who attended, and especially those who donated to support our Lifeboat operations. A larger selection of photos is available on our Facebook site.

Remembrance Day 2018

On 11 November 2018 members of the Canadian Lifeboat Institution took part in a variety of Remembrance services around the lower mainland of BC. One of our members was in the Havards providing air support all over the region; another was a bugler, while others attended parades. Many of our members have served, or also have family members who have served in a variety of conflicts around the globe. We are proud to say, “We Remember Them”. In Ladner, a small contingent led by John Horton marched in the parade and laid a wreath.