Ladner Carol Ships Support – Dec 2021

The 2021 Ladner Carol Ships was held on Friday, December 10, and Saturday, December 11. Because the Delta Lifeboat is still on the hard, only the Fraser Lifeboat participated.

On Friday the weather forecast was 100% rain and 22 knots winds with gusts to 32 knots. Some carol ships canceled their participation but the Fraser went out there anyway as it was expected that some boats would go out. Together with RCM-SAR, we escorted the carol ships past the float homes to Ladner Harbour.

We were surprised that there were still that many people out to watch the display. On the dock at the end of Elliot street recording artists KickDrive and local vocalists, Brook & Summer performed.

On our way back to Steveston the opportunity was taken to give our new crewmembers a chance to steer and get a feel of the boat during night and windy conditions. Steveston was in the dark due to a power outage but at 10:15 pm the Fraser moored at her berth without any issues after a very successful evening.

The 11th was a slightly less windy evening and many more Carol Ships participated. We welcomed RCM-SAR Unit 8 aboard to enjoy a warm-up coffee and tour.

Society Christmas Dinner and Fundraiser – Dec 2021

This year’s dinner was organized by Brian Cook and held on 09 Dec 2021 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. There were 50+ attendees.

Bob McIlwaine’s son played the bagpipes at the start of the dinner and accompanied John and Mary Horton to the lecture where John received the ‘Duke of Kent’ gold medal for all his years of hard work for the CLI. Mary received a bouquet of flowers as thanks for her support of John and the CLI.

A raffle was held and 4 donated prizes were won by some lucky winners. The dinner was excellent and as always it was good to see and hear crewmates and society members in a different environment.

Remembrance Day – Nov 2021

This Nov 11th the Delta Lifeboat attended Remembrance Day services at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club and the Fraser Lifeboat conducted a brief ceremony near the Garry Point Memorial in Steveston Harbour followed by a showing of the flag. Many of our members have served with various organizations and militaries worldwide, or have families that have done so. We are fortunate to have such a diversified group. Lest We Forget!

Delta L/B Extended Training weekend – Nov 2021



Video RCMSAR 14 coming long side

Second Video long side

Delta Lifeboat – Extended training weekend

On November 5 the Delta Lifeboat departed at 1915 from her Ladner station to Port Graves in Howe Sound for an extended training weekend. The weather forecast was rain and S.E. winds 10-20 knots. Courses were planned from Ladner to Sand Heads and Collingwood Channel traveling up the Northbound lane. Delta L/B passed Cape Rodger Curtis at 2218 and proceeded up Collingwood Channel through rain squalls to Howe Sound, anchoring in Port Graves at 2330.

6 Nov. The anchor was weighed at 0900 and M.O.B. search and recovery training were conducted south of Gambier Island close to the ferry lanes. A tornado warning was received for the Georgia Strait and Howe Sound; however, the wind remained from the S.E. with rain sometimes heavy and the sea ran from 1 to 2. ‘Oscar’ was deployed, recovered, and hoisted aboard Delta L/B. At 1300 pacing (sticking) training continued in a moderate sea and heavy rain. At 1400 Delta L/B proceeded to the North end of Shoal Channel where a creeping line search pattern was plotted and run. Delta L/B went to anchor in Plumper Cove at 1515 in preparation for joint operations with RCM-SAR station 14 out of Gibsons. The SAR RHIB secured alongside 1610 and a briefing and cross vessel tour was conducted. SAR14 requested a pacing exercise and towex. This was conducted in Shoal Channel with Delta L/B running at 10 knots with SAR14 and Delta RHIB practicing paces and sticks. Delta L/B went to anchor in Plumper Cove for a welcome supper.

7 Nov. The anchor was weighed at 0930 and the ship secured for sea. The forecast was for winds S.E. 15/25 and rain sometimes heavy. Visibility in Howe Sound was 1.5. The passage down Queen Charlotte Channel was made into a steep head sea. Clearing Point Atkinson course was set for the North Arm. Delta L/B entered the North Arm at 1200 communicating with tugs and tows and tugs working booms. Transit was made to New Westminster and to Ladner. Conditions were very changeable with very heavy rain and hail to blinding sunshine that created a spectacular rainbow. Delta L/B secured at her station in Ladner at 1527.

Lucille Johnstone Workboat Parade – Sep 2021

On 25 Sep 2021 both Fraser and Delta Lifeboats attended the Lucille Johnstone Workboat Parade in New Westminster. Both boats headed up early in the morning and anchored at Surrey Fraser Docks area and shared lunch and coffee.

The boats all passed by the New Westminster waterfront as far down as the newly built Westminster Pier Park at the north end. The more agile boats in the parade line took the opportunity to show off and do some spins, close-quarters approaches, and bounding over the wakes of the other vessels. The crowds were small but enthusiastic as people waved to the crews from shore. After a second loop around the lifeboats headed back to their respective stations.

A few observations were made and have been passed to the event organizer. Safety patrols were conducted both ways of the voyage.