City of Delta Municipal Council sailing – Oct 2023

On 14 Oct 2023 the Delta Lifeboat departed with five members of the City of Delta Municipal Council as a thank you for their generous support and to show them what the CLI does. The Delta L/B started by deploying the RHIB and taking a deadhead in a Liverpool tow to a shallow area outside of the shipping lane. This was followed by Delta L/B taking the Fraser L/B in a stern tow. This tow was then transferred to an alongside tow. The maneuverability and effectiveness of the alongside tow was demonstrated by performing a figure eight as both vessels behaved as one.

Delta L/B  anchored and the Council had a chance to visit the Fraser L/B. After coffee and snacks and some great discussions, the Delta L/B weighed anchor and a MOB exercise was performed. This concluded the demonstration and the vessels departed to their stations.

Lucille Johnston Workboat Parade and Safety Patrol – Sep 2023

On Saturday 23 Sep 2023 both Delta and Fraser Lifeboats attended the Lucille Johnston Work Boat Parade in New Westminster. We conduct a safety patrol up to Fraser Surrey Wharfs where Delta L/B anchors and Fraser L/B rafts alongside. Crews enjoy a pot-luck lunch and then head to the mustering area on the North Arm Fraser just west on the rail bridge. At 14:00 led by the Port Fraser vessel, a large group of tugs, work boats, SAR vessels, spill response, and other vessels head to the public viewing area near the Quay. Delta L/B had its fire pumps running and on its second pass discharged the starter cannon to the delight of the crowd. Fraser L/B showed it’s turning capabilities and did a high-speed run. A safety patrol was then conducted back to Ladner and Steveston.

Richmond Maritime Festival – Aug 2023

On Friday 25 Aug 2023 crewmembers sailed the Delta L/B in the afternoon to Britannia Shipyards for the Richmond Maritime Festival. At arrival, the Delta L/B crew hoisted celebratory flags and prepared the boat for the festival. Mary and John Horton exhibited John’s maritime paintings in the Seine Net Loft. At 18:00 the crew attended a reception with all the boat owners, festival organizers, Richmond council members, Mayor Malcolm Brodie, and MLA Kelly Green. She is the MLA for Richmond-Steveston and also the Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries and Aquaculture. Both the mayor and MLA gave short speeches welcoming everyone to this recurring festival. 

On Saturday the Delta L/B received many visitors during the day. Children were intrigued by Oscar who was on display on the dock. Also, the bell on the bridge was a great hit with them like in previous years. Every hour John More sounded the bugle call. There was a great interest in the Delta and amazement at the fact that she is still operational. 

On Sunday one of the Canadian Coast Guard hovercrafts came into the harbour for a sail past. Although there were fewer visitors than yesterday the crew was still busy the whole day. Some visitors showed an interest in joining the CLI. Brochures were distributed and names were noted down. At 18:00 the festival came to an end and the crew packed up for the return trip to Ladner harbour. The CLI got a lot of exposure during this weekend and hopefully some new members. 

Fishery Patrol – Aug 26

On 26 Aug the Fraser Lifeboat engaged in a fishery patrol for the native fishery taking place. We provided the number of vessels engaged in fishing and then traffic asked us to escort a deep-sea container ship from Steveston to Alex Fraser Bridge. Several vessels had to be asked to move as they were on the ranges.

Fishery Patrol – Aug 22

The Delta Lifeboat departed Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 13:30 for a native fishery patrol. A total of 11 fishing boats were seen between Steveston and Lafarge. Although the crew observed many jumping salmon, the nets of the fishermen were nearly empty. Two tug and barges were escorted upriver.