Hazard to navigation report – Aug 2023

Fraser Lifeboat came across a unique hazard to navigation in Sea Reach on 05 Aug 2023. It consists of a small dingy anchored with a solar light and a mannequin in a bikini. 2 Floats spaced out on each side were also seen. Though it was done for no wake purposes, this impedes navigation in a navigable waterway and is a definite hazard at night. Coast Guard Radiowas alerted and they advised they would investigate. 

FCRCC Race around Bowen Island – July 2023

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The False Creek Racing Canoe Club organized again this year a race circumnavigating scenic Bowen Island in Howe Sound. The CLI was requested to provide a safety vessel for this event. On Friday, July 28th the Delta L/B departed at 18:00 for transit to Snug Cove. The sea was calm and after an uneventful transit, the Delta L/B anchored 21:40 at Mannion Bay.  

The following day ‘Call the Hands’ (get out of bed) was at 06:30 in order for the crew to light the stove and get the hearty breakfast ready and devoured before RCM SAR 14 was expected to come alongside. At 08:05 Bill and his SAR team came alongside to discuss the event. It was a pleasant surprise to see former CLI crewmember Gary W, who moved to Gibsons and joined RCM SAR 14 2 years ago. Brian and Adrian left with RCM SAR 14 to attend the race committee meeting at Crippen Park Snug Cove to discuss the event and the safety role Delta and the RHIB were going to play during today’s paddling event. 

Halfway through the race, a kayaker flipped over and Delta L/B was there to help. The kayaker indicated that he was OK by using the tap on the head, which is also used by divers when they are at the surface. By using a bailing pump, he was able to empty the kayak, climb back in, and continue the race. He informed the crewmembers this was the first time this happened to him in 30 years of racing. 

Around 15:00 the race came to an end and the Delta L/B was released from its task. RCM SAR14 came alongside to pick up crew who were going back with the ferry to Horseshoe Bay. The Delta L/B departed Mannion Bay but while on the way had to return because a fender was lost and needed to be retrieved (successfully). The transit back to Ladner was again uneventful and the Delta  L/B secured at 18:41 at the lifeboat station. 

Canada Day long weekend safety patrols – Jul 2023

Over the July long weekend for Canada Day, both DELTA and FRASER Lifeboats conducted safety patrols over several days. This included the Friday, Steveston Fireworks on Saturday, and a very blustery Monday.
Several maydays were heard, most out of our response areas. DELTA L/B was in process of attending a call on Friday but was stood down.
Patrol days are great experiences for our crews as they get to put into practice what they train so hard for. Crews on FRASER L/B had water over the bow and wheelhouse on Monday as steep waves, winds, and tide were pretty strong in the earlier part of the day. As a former North Sea Lifeboat the vessel handles well and the crews get to understand how it performs.

Canada Day Fireworks Safety Patrol – Jul 2023

 At 19:00 on 01 Jul 2023, the Delta L/B departed Ladner for Steveston with 11 crewmembers and 5 guests to perform a safety patrol and enjoy the fireworks. A detour was made to give the guests a chance to see the Reaches and Fraser River from a different perspective. The RHIB was launched to demonstrate RHIB handling and sticking to the Delta. 

At approximately 20:45 the Delta L/B anchored outside Steveston harbour and the crew and guests relaxed and socialized waiting for the fireworks to start. The RCMP and RCM-SAR were patrolling the inner harbour but this time there weren’t many boats on the water compared to previous times. At 22:15 the fireworks started and the crew and guests enjoyed it very much. No incidents were encountered and after the fireworks, the Delta L/B retrieved the anchor and headed back to Ladner Harbour where we secured at approximately 23:15. 

Field Day – Jun 2023

On 24 Jun 2023 the CLI participated in the annual Amateur Radio Field Day exercise. This simulates an emergency where radio equipment is deployed to remote locations, and then stations attempt to work as many contacts as possible over a given period of time.
We worked 20 metre digital using FT8 mode. Our station ran by solar and battery power, using an ICOM IC7300 radio and 2 buddy pole antennas in a reflector configuration. We managed to work 115 stations across North America.
We participate with Delta Amateur Radio Society and we run with one of their members. The event includes a fabulous BBQ too.