Steveston Classic Boat Festival – Aug 2021

The CLI participated in the Steveston Classic Boat Festival on 21 and 22 Aug 2021. Due to COVID-19 the public was not allowed on the vessel but could view it externally. This provided a great opportunity for providing boating safety awareness as well as fundraising.

Round Bowen Island Paddleboard and Kayak Race – Jul 2021

On 24 Jul 2021 the Delta Lifeboat departed Ladner to provide support to the Round Bowen Island Paddleboard and Kayak Race 2021. The lifeboat was also able to respond en route, to another request by removing a 75′ tree that was causing a problem in Ladner Harbour.
On 25 Jul the race start was staggered over 1.5 hours and Delta L/B moved off to give close escort to the early starts while RCM-SAR 1B took up station with the later starters. Thankfully there were no medical requirements although a quick search had to be made for a competitor who appeared to be missing. He was quickly accounted for. Most of the retirees were because of exhaustion. Delta L/B did have to request a number of fast-moving powerboats to slow down and move further away for safety.

Multi-vessel search pattern exercise with CCG – Jul 2021

The CLI has been developing a better way to conduct multi-vessel search patterns. On 17 July the Delta Lifeboat, Fraser Lifeboat, Canadian Coast Guard Hovercraft Siyay, and a Canadian Coast Guard RHIB (Callsign Sea Island One) put those principles to the test. After rafting with all vessels for a briefing, we took our positions and tried with Delta L/B leading, and then switched to the CCG Hovercraft Siyay leading. We then met and debriefed. It looks like the CCG like this system and we will try again with ourselves and other agencies vessels like police, RCM-SAR, etc. There were lots of takeaways and things we need to work on, but it was a huge success and proved the concept works.

Marine assistance request – Jul 2021

On Saturday 10 Jul 2021 near the end of Fraser L/B safety patrol, a call came in to assist a boater who reported a vessel adrift near Wellington Point in Ladner. The Delta L/B was originally going to handle; however, Fraser L/B was closer. Upon arrival, we found the vessel already secured to a fishing camp dock by a passing pleasure boater. We checked if anyone was aboard but was vacant, also checked if taking on water as a slight list with engine hatches open and garbage bags all over. Coast Guard Rescue Centre took the report and advised us to leave the vessel where it was and they would record it in case of a report of loss. Fraser L/B was stood down and carried on with the conclusion of its patrol.

Canada Day long weekend safety patrol – July 2021

The CLI conducted long weekend marine safety patrols with both the Delta and Fraser Lifeboats providing all-day-long coverage. This weekend was fairly busy with more recreational boaters out on the water. Wind warnings were issued for the Strait of Georgia on Saturday 03 Jul 2021 and the crew got to handle moderate swells between Sand Heads and the Iona Jetty off Vancouver International Airport.

On Sunday 04 Jul after checking the area around Sand Heads the Fraser Lifeboat headed back to patrol the river when they noticed a small tug making erratic movements swaying from left to right. Fraser L/B stopped to investigate and were flagged down by the tugboat coxswain who asked for a tow to Steveston harbour because his rudder was not responding to helm corrections. It was either hard starboard or hard port. Fraser L/B took them in tow, but because of the erratic behaviour, the Fraser was pulled left and right and was also fighting the river current. Because of this behaviour, there was a risk of us pulling the tug over; however, by adapting speed they managed to tow the tug to Steveston Harbour. There the tugboat coxswain decided to cut the tow line and use his skiff to pull himself to his mooring dock at which time the Fraser stood down. The tug coxswain advised the tug just had a refit and it looked like the hydraulic line filling the reservoir was undersized causing its steering issues.