CLI Lifeboat Day, City of Delta – July 2020

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The weather on Saturday 18th July was perfect for the Canadian Lifeboat Institution’s ‘Lifeboat Day’ open house held at the Elliot Street Wharf in Ladner.  The ‘Delta’ and ‘Fraser’ lifeboats were on view for the public to learn about the charities work and a number of Delta residents conveyed how pleased they were to have a lifeboat stationed in Ladner.  Mayor George Harvie and Mrs. Harvie attended and voiced the cities gratitude for the Institution’s service to the community and how even closer ties to the City might be established.

Many generous donations were received and several possible new recruits were interviewed while the public were viewing.

At midday, a request was received to assist a 40 foot motor vessel aground on Roberts Bank with disabled hydraulic steering.  The ‘Fraser’ lifeboat proceeded to assist with crews from Ladner and Steveston stations on board.   Arriving on the scene as the tide was rising; the vessel was taken in tow with its lone skipper aboard and secured safely in Steveston for repair.

The very successful Lifeboat Day closed at 4 PM and thanks go to the City of Delta staff for their kind assistance and support.

Canada Day Safety Patrol July 2020

On Canada Day both Lifeboats conducted safety patrols throughout the day.

Fraser L/B started at 09:00 and immediately became aware of a large amount of debris in the water from the Freshet. The crew discovered a vessel aground off Kirkland Island, and the details were called into Coast Guard Radio and Rescue Centre was advised. Two pax were on board and another in a small RHIB. The tide was too low to help and advised we would check again later. The patrol continued to Shelter Island at which time Coast Guard Radio asked if we could go back and check on their status. The Fraser L/B arrived back on the scene and assessed the situation, a tow was offered; however, the persons now declined and said they would wait for the higher tide and float off.

Delta Lifeboat relieved the Fraser Lifeboat at 1300 to conduct a safety patrol on the Fraser River, between the tunnel and Sandheads.  The weather was poor with light rain and a 10 knot SE wind.  This obviously greatly reduced the number of recreational boaters that would normally be out.

During her patrol, Fraser had sighted a small vessel aground off Kirkland Island but not requiring assistance.

Later, the Coast Guard requested a status report and following a search of the area Delta L/B was able to advise that the vessel was no longer in the area and had obviously refloated and departed.

Delta L/B proceeded to Sandheads and later returned to Ladner at 1830.

CLI supports RNSA single handed race 2020

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, most sporting events have been cancelled.   However, the Royal Naval Sailing Association’s annual Single Handed Yacht Race did take place on 06 Jun 2020 in partnership with the West Vancouver Yacht Club, normally racing from Vancouver to Nanaimo and return.

This year’s race was shortened with strict personal safety in mind.

The Delta Lifeboat” has served as safety vessel for the race for 42 years and this year’s assistance was given to a 38′ yacht that suffered a rigging malfunction.  The sock for the spinnaker got stuck at the top of the mast and it was impossible to contain or lower the spinnaker.

The Lifeboat launched her RHIB and two crew members transferred to the yacht to assist the lone skipper.   With no other option left to resolve the situation, they winched him up to the masthead to effect repairs.

On completion, the RHIB returned to the Lifeboat.  The yacht retired from the race and returned to harbour under power.

The Lifeboat continued to follow the race back to Point Gray to ensure all participants were safe.

The race over, transit was made back to the Ladner Lifeboat Station ending a 12-hour deployment.

Owing to the current situation the crew was restricted to 5 members and safety protocols were in place.

The day’s weather had been variable starting with heavy rain, thunder and lightning, and winds from 10-20 knots.  It cleared later to sunshine and pleasant 10-knot wind.

Even with all the restrictions and the shortened course, 50 yachts enjoyed a fantastic race and the Delta Lifeboat crew proved their worth.   “BZ”.

Delta Lifeboat Refit – Apr-May 2020

The Delta Lifeboat carried out her annual refit at Shelter Island from the 15th April to the 14th May.  This year’s work involved removing the after deck, removal of old steel water tanks and installing two new 165-gallon stainless steel tanks.

Inspection of the ‘A’ bracket bolts and supports found degradation and so new pads and bolts were installed.  This was a huge job only made easier by the fact that the aft deck was removed.

The whole vessel was sanded, filled and painted from the keel up to the main deck.

The main work was superbly conducted by our friends at Commodore’s Boat Ltd. and by our own volunteers – Bjorn Andersson, Brian VanVliet, Tim Carey, Brian Cook, and John Horton.   ‘BZ’ to you all.

Care was taken to keep social distance and to sanitize at all times.

City of Delta Recognizes CLI Volunteers

In April 2020, CLI members were recognized by City of Delta Mayor George Harvie for being Emergency Program volunteers.

The CLI provides marine services to the City of Delta for search and rescue, public education, and other on-water services. We support Delta Fire, Police, and Engineering services as required.