FCRCC Race around Bowen Island – July 2023

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The False Creek Racing Canoe Club organized again this year a race circumnavigating scenic Bowen Island in Howe Sound. The CLI was requested to provide a safety vessel for this event. On Friday, July 28th the Delta L/B departed at 18:00 for transit to Snug Cove. The sea was calm and after an uneventful transit, the Delta L/B anchored 21:40 at Mannion Bay.  

The following day ‘Call the Hands’ (get out of bed) was at 06:30 in order for the crew to light the stove and get the hearty breakfast ready and devoured before RCM SAR 14 was expected to come alongside. At 08:05 Bill and his SAR team came alongside to discuss the event. It was a pleasant surprise to see former CLI crewmember Gary W, who moved to Gibsons and joined RCM SAR 14 2 years ago. Brian and Adrian left with RCM SAR 14 to attend the race committee meeting at Crippen Park Snug Cove to discuss the event and the safety role Delta and the RHIB were going to play during today’s paddling event. 

Halfway through the race, a kayaker flipped over and Delta L/B was there to help. The kayaker indicated that he was OK by using the tap on the head, which is also used by divers when they are at the surface. By using a bailing pump, he was able to empty the kayak, climb back in, and continue the race. He informed the crewmembers this was the first time this happened to him in 30 years of racing. 

Around 15:00 the race came to an end and the Delta L/B was released from its task. RCM SAR14 came alongside to pick up crew who were going back with the ferry to Horseshoe Bay. The Delta L/B departed Mannion Bay but while on the way had to return because a fender was lost and needed to be retrieved (successfully). The transit back to Ladner was again uneventful and the Delta  L/B secured at 18:41 at the lifeboat station. 

Canada Day long weekend safety patrols – Jul 2023

Over the July long weekend for Canada Day, both DELTA and FRASER Lifeboats conducted safety patrols over several days. This included the Friday, Steveston Fireworks on Saturday, and a very blustery Monday.
Several maydays were heard, most out of our response areas. DELTA L/B was in process of attending a call on Friday but was stood down.
Patrol days are great experiences for our crews as they get to put into practice what they train so hard for. Crews on FRASER L/B had water over the bow and wheelhouse on Monday as steep waves, winds, and tide were pretty strong in the earlier part of the day. As a former North Sea Lifeboat the vessel handles well and the crews get to understand how it performs.

Field Day – Jun 2023

On 24 Jun 2023 the CLI participated in the annual Amateur Radio Field Day exercise. This simulates an emergency where radio equipment is deployed to remote locations, and then stations attempt to work as many contacts as possible over a given period of time.
We worked 20 metre digital using FT8 mode. Our station ran by solar and battery power, using an ICOM IC7300 radio and 2 buddy pole antennas in a reflector configuration. We managed to work 115 stations across North America.
We participate with Delta Amateur Radio Society and we run with one of their members. The event includes a fabulous BBQ too.

Blessing of the fleet – Jun 2023

On 10 Jun 2023 both Fraser and Delta Lifeboats attended the blessing of the fishing fleet at Granville Island. This annual event involves a service for the fisherman and supporting operations for the upcoming season. After the service, a CLI paddle was presented to the Harbour Authority for their generous donation to our operation. This helps us with fuel costs for fishery patrols and equipment needs.

Entertainment was provided along with a BBQ. The vessels were also available to be toured by the public.

On the way back, both vessels sailed in company back to Steveston, and DELTA L/B carried on to Ladner. Along the way the Royal Canadian Navy practiced pacing with our vessels and we also passed the CCG hovercraft Moytel.

CLI RNSA Single Handed Race 2023

The 49th annual running of the RNSA Single-Handed Race was held on Saturday 3rd of June and Sunday 4th of June 2023. The weather was perfect with 10-15 knot SE wind on Saturday and 20- 25 NW knots on Sunday. 27 yachts were registered and the ‘Delta L/B’ deployed as the safety / committee boat. With a crew of five plus four Race committee members aboard, Delta L/B set up the start line at Point Grey and the finish line at Snake Island (Nanaimo). Only 1 yacht failed to finish within the time limit. Delta L/B monitored the radios as well as a visual watch throughout the race in case of any accidents. A race dinner was held in the Nanaimo yacht club, enjoyed by all.

The Sunday return race was more of a challenge owing to the stronger winds and 3 yachts retired even before the start, owing to gear failures and one medical situation. Delta L/B again anchored south of the Point Grey bell buoy for the finish. All participants had an exciting return leg with a quartering sea of 4 to 5 feet.

As  Delta L/B was preparing to weigh anchor, a tasking was issued
for Delta L/B to assist a 21-foot power boat low on fuel in 5’ seas not
sure if they could make safe harbour. The position given was off the
North Arm. Delta L/B began to weigh anchor but found it foul of the
bottom. CGD radio was advised. Even though there was a strong flood tide and a five-foot sea running, Delta L/B was worked around 180 degrees with the engine reversing the pull on the anchor! Luckily this worked and the foul anchor was freed. Delta L/B then proceeded to assist the 21’ power boat. Ten minutes later CGD radio advised the position given was wrong and the vessel was off Passage Island. Delta L/B changed course for West Van to then being advised the vessel had made it into Fisherman’s Cove.

Delta L/B proceeded to the WVYC where the race committee and two CLI crewmembers disembarked. Delta L/B returned to Ladner transiting the North Arm to New Westminster and down to Ladner. A good safe deployment by all and excellent training.