National Day of Mourning – Apr 2022

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The CLI participated in the National Day of Mourning on Apr 28 at the Fisherman’s Memorial, located in Garry Point Park. This memorial remembers those who used Steveston as their base and passed away pursuing their fishing careers.

Bob McIlwaine laid a wreath at the memorial on behalf of the CLI. Delta Lifeboat crews also laid a wreath on the Fraser River from the vessel while anchored south of the memorial. RCM-SAR was also present.

RCYC Pleasure Craft Courtesy Checks – Apr 2022

After receiving our yearly Transport Canada PCCC training in January 2022, the CLI participated in their first PCCC of the year; and for some crew members their first one ever. CLI crewmember D. Maxwell organized this yearly event for the Royal City Yacht Club which included a company that inspected (and sold for $700) fire extinguishers, expired flare collection, a swap meet, and a potluck.

The 14 vessels and their owners that participated were very well prepared as it was not the first time they were doing this. Most owners had all the required items ready for inspection. All vessels complied with the checks and received their annual decal.

Due to the variation of vessels and owners, the CLI crew members who did the inspections learned a lot. The CLI also received $720.00 in donations and we look forward to next year’s event.

If you require a safety check for your pleasure vessel, we do them free of charge. Please feel free to contact us to arrange one, or check our PCCC page of this site to see if we have any scheduled events you can attend.

2022 Southern Straits Yacht Race

With the easing of COVID restrictions, the West Vancouver Yacht Club was able to hold its annual classic Southern Street Yacht Race. WVYC requested CLI give safety and communications support for the race and so the Delta Lifeboat transited to Fisherman’s Cove on Thursday, April 14 with a crew of 7 where they were treated to dinner and attended the pre-race meeting.

    Following breakfast, on good Friday the lifeboat transited to Dundarave pier where she came to anchor for the start. Ashore CLI volunteers erected the tent and engaged many of the spectators who had come down to view the start.

    At 10:30 the first division crossed the line en route for their first turn mark at Sisters Islands. The other divisions followed in order to race over long, medium, short and inshore courses.

    After weighing anchor, the Delta L/B set course for Sisters Island keeping pace with the leaders in a rising southeast wind and sea. Monitoring radios and keeping visual watch kept lookouts and plot busy. Heavy rain showers and a cold wind made the half-hour watch changes even more important for the crew to keep everybody alert and warm. Also, experience was gained in all positions.

    Sisters Island was reached at 17:25. The drogue was deployed to reduce drift while hands went to supper while maintaining visual and radio watch. At 19:25 with most of the long course yachts having rounded Sisters, it was decided to cruise slowly to Ballenas Island as both long and medium course yachts would be rounding throughout the night.

    Arriving at Ballenas Island at 21:20 it was decided the best plan of action was to anchor on the east side where a visual watch could be maintained out over the Gulf. The crew went into an anchor / communication watch enabling the off-watch crew to sleep.

    At 03:50 on Saturday morning a call from Race Control alerted the lifeboat that a MOB beacon was being received. Calling all hands the beacon’s GPS position was plotted and JRCC was advised who declared a Mayday.

    Delta L/B weighed anchor following a quick briefing and proceeded to the last known position. At 04:35 JRCC stood Delta L/B down as it was determined the MOB beacon had been accidentally activated and all crew of the yacht ‘Intuition’ were safe and accounted for. Delta L/B returned to the previous anchorage.

    Following colours and breakfast, Delta L/B weighed at 08:10 and proceeded at slow speed to track the races tail end boats. After coming up on them it was decided to travel back with them to the finish line.

    The winds during the night had switched to the N.W. varying between 10-20 knots now with heavy rain clouds over various parts, bright sunny periods were experienced.

    At 13:37, while sailing south of Keats Island, the lookouts reported a RHIB adrift. Closing to investigate it appeared to have broken adrift because the painter was in the water. There was no outboard or oars and nothing but a bailer inside. JRCC was advised and being sure this was not a MOB situation the RHIB was hauled aboard where an investigation showed it was from Bellingham Washington. However, an identification plate marking had been etched out.

    Continuing onto Point Atkinson Delta L/B stood down from race duties and proceeded south to the Fraser River taking green seas in and 18 knots northwesterly.  Delta L/B secured at its lifeboat station 173:7. The crew all performed well maintaining the watch system for 34 hours. Grateful thanks were received from the race committee and Don Smith at Coastguard radio.

Assist to Coast Guard – Feb 2022

As we departed Steveston Harbour this morning, Coast Guard Radio asked us to check for a vessel adrift near the harbour entrance. A semi-submerged skiff was located near the Garry Point Park Fisherman’s Memorial. It still had an outboard motor, fuel tanks, and gear on board, with some floating. The vessel was secured to the shore. Coast Guard took an on-scene report from Fraser Lifeboat and then released us.
The CCG Hovercraft Moytel later arrived on the scene to assess for removal and RCM-SAR 7 was assigned to try and pump out later in the day on a lower tide.

Ladner Carol Ships Support – Dec 2021

The 2021 Ladner Carol Ships was held on Friday, December 10, and Saturday, December 11. Because the Delta Lifeboat is still on the hard, only the Fraser Lifeboat participated.

On Friday the weather forecast was 100% rain and 22 knots winds with gusts to 32 knots. Some carol ships canceled their participation but the Fraser went out there anyway as it was expected that some boats would go out. Together with RCM-SAR, we escorted the carol ships past the float homes to Ladner Harbour.

We were surprised that there were still that many people out to watch the display. On the dock at the end of Elliot street recording artists KickDrive and local vocalists, Brook & Summer performed.

On our way back to Steveston the opportunity was taken to give our new crewmembers a chance to steer and get a feel of the boat during night and windy conditions. Steveston was in the dark due to a power outage but at 10:15 pm the Fraser moored at her berth without any issues after a very successful evening.

The 11th was a slightly less windy evening and many more Carol Ships participated. We welcomed RCM-SAR Unit 8 aboard to enjoy a warm-up coffee and tour.