CLI participates in Emergency Communications exercise – Field Day 2019

The Jun 22-23 weekend was Field Day, which is the highlight of the amateur radio year and the largest emergency preparedness exercise with over 40,000 radio operators participating in North America. These operators annually practice the rapid deployment of temporary emergency stations and operation off-the-grid for 24 hours. It is also a lot of fun! Our Fraser L/B coxswain David A represented the CLI, one of 6 stations, at the Delta Amateur Radio Field Day event at North 40 Park near Boundary Bay Airport.  Our station was set-up using a Buddy Pole antenna, ICOM IC7000 radio and working PSK31 and FT8 digital modes on 20 meters HF. Power was derived from a battery and solar power.
Poor band conditions prevailed due to sunspot activity, but we still managed to make a fair number of contacts.